Delicious 100% natural reindeer meat with intensive flavour and delicate texture served with seasonal vegetables and horseradish cream.
Many people think that cooking game is complicated whereas it is not and this type of meat is eventually perfect for all-year recipes.
Reindeer meat has a leanness, texture, deep intensive flavour yet light game taste that doesn’t require any complex marinades or preparation. The prime cuts like tenderloin and sirloin or a traditional roast beef only need a simple marinade of olive oil, garlic, thyme, salt and pepper before you cook or grill it in a pan or on a barbecue.
It can be served with any seasonal primeurs like asparagus, parsnips, carrots, potatoes, spring onions and mushrooms which together with the natural meat make one of the most health-conscious and environmentally sustainable dishes.
500g topside olive oil 3 cloves of garlic sprig of thyme and rosemary butter salt & pepper 2 carrots 1 parsnip 500g potato 100g crème fraîche 50g horseradish 100g cream cheese
- Take the meat out of the fridge well in advance as meat that is too cold does not bake well and you will fail to get a nice brown crust. Make marinade combining olive oil, crushed garlic, thyme and rosemary, salt and pepper and leave meat for at least one hour to marinade.
- Prepare the vegetables by chopping in equal pieces. Toss in olive oil with salt, pepper and thyme and cook in the oven at 200°C for 20 minutes.
- Combine the creme fraiche, horseradish and cream cheese and put in the fridge. Place equal portions of the meat on the hot part of the barbecue or in a hot pan and keep turning until evenly browned, then place on indirect heat and grill for 10 minutes at about 55°C or reduce the temperature of the pan and bake for another 10 minutes.
- Basting your game meat with butter is a great professional tip, this can be done in the pan by just adding a knob of butter or by brushing melted butter on the meat just before you remove it from the barbecue. It is very important to not overcook reindeer meat and equally important to let it rest for 10 to 15 minutes after taking it from the barbecue or the pan.
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