La Closerie des Lilas, Paris

Type of Cuisine: Traditional

From a simple flowery open-air café, la Closerie des Lilas has become the meeting place for artists from all over the world.

In the late 19th century, La Closerie was a post station on the road to Fontainebleau.

La Closerie was the place to be before and after the Bullier ball – Emile Zola brought his friend Paul Cézanne, and  Théophile Gautier and the Goncourt brothers were regulars. In the 1920’s La Closerie became one of American ex-pats’ favourite places. Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Miller and still retains that charming feeling of yesteryear.
171 boulevard du Montparnasse, 75006 Paris, France
00 33 1 40 51 34 50